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Planting seeds of sovereignty in the digital era to lift our people up. For Indigenous Peoples. And our Nations.

Discover how OneFeather is redefining the Indigenous experience through innovation and tradition.

For Indigenous Peoples

Technology designed to celebrate and empower your digital Indigenous sovereign identity. Access dedicated Indigenous banking solutions, online status card renewals, and digital voting with your OneFeather account. 

OneFeather APP Now Available Nations-wide

Connecting you to dedicated Indigenous banking

Access payment solutions, money transfers, and rewards. Created to empower all Indigenous Peoples in Canada - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit.

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OneFeather PAY

Introducing our beautifully designed reloadable OneFeather PAY card. Make purchases with contactless tap technology or shop online. Earn 1FT Rewards (OneFeather Token Rewards points) – beyond just transactions.

Online Status Card Services

Renew, replace, or apply for, your status card (SCIS) from home with your trusted OneFeather account. Skip the post office. Save time and money with OneFeather.

Digital Voting

Is your Nation running a digital voting event with OneFeather? Vote from home. Vote from anywhere. On any device with an internet connection. Your online vote is secure and anonymous.

For Nations

Accessibility, transparency, and data sovereignty are at the heart of our Nation Services. We are leaders in election and voting services, encrypted and secure digital secret ballot voting technologies, member register management, community engagement, governance, and policy.

Election and Voting Services

Vote Anywhere options, community engagement, and event services for elections, land code, settlements, and referendums.

Digital Voting

Engage with your members and improve voter turnout. Your members can cast an electronic vote securely from any device with an internet connection. 
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Registrar Management and Engagement

Harness the power of sovereign data and connect with your members. Efficiently manage your member's data, access advanced reporting, and communicate with your members all from one digital platform.

Governance Consulting

We guide Nations in fortifying their sovereignty, building better systems of engagement, and in important decision making. 

Policy and Law Making

50 years of combined experience developing laws, policy, and governance documents at your service.

Explore solutions for your Nation

“The technology we’ve created is about sustainable governance and bringing communities together. This is resilient Nation-building.”

- Lawrence Lewis, Founder

Join 270+ Nations, and their 370,000+ members, engaging with our Indigenous technology